Reputation management or ORM (online reputation management) in the digital sphere refers to the monitoring of the reputation of an individual or brand and potentially addressing damaging content and using feedback to solve problems before they damage and individual or brand’s reputation.
There are of course many ways and many tools that companies can use to do this ranging from setting up alerts and monitoring around brand names or enlisting the help of a PR specialist to help combat the effect of negative stories.

We offer online reputation management services that allow you to protect the image of your brand. From negative reviews from irate customers to deliberate smear campaigns by hostile competitors, we can deal with them all. Our team tracks and monitors what people say about your business online and then uses white hat SEO techniques to shape conversations to your favor? This service targets the following core areas:
• Identifying the sources of the problems
• Crafting a comprehensive strategy to counter the problem’s effects
• Reducing the visibility of the negative information
• Protecting brand integrity
• Enhancing your online image with positive information

Reputation Management is a thorough process; we integrate a targeted approach to achieve a fruitful result. Our strategic reputation management team comprises of a team of experienced digital marketers having thorough industry-knowledge and hands-on skill. Our specialist designs a future-proof solution to cater changing marketing needs. Whether you hire us to remove negative contents, search engine marketing planning, draft crisis PR, post blog, link bio, promotion or all of the above, we can work deliberately to rank you at the top.

Gone are the days when online reputation wasn’t much important. Now-a-days, 97% of consumers rely on online reviews before making any purchase decision. 65% of internet users find online search as a most trusted source of information, and 84% of marketers believe that building trust could play a pivotal role in your future marketing campaigns. This means brand reputation is most important in a competitive era. You need to invest in comprehensive digital marketing strategies to repair and develop your brand reputation. We offer customize solution using latest SEO, SMO, review management, and other tactics to maximize sales and traffic to the website. We focus on building a positive brand image for any size and shape of business!

What is the process?
The process we follow for online reputation management services is simple and includes the following:
• Promotion of existing positive content
• New content and social media profile creation
• Active involvement in the social web sphere (through forums, blogs, social networking)
• Responding to negative reviews on different online media.

What is Online Reputation Management?
Online reputation management (ORM) means taking control of the online conversation. Its techniques and strategies ensure that people find the right materials when they look for you on the Internet.
online reputation management creates balance, counteracts misleading trends, and allows you to put your best foot forward. Online reputation is becoming so pervasive that it’s almost time to drop the word “online.” Essentially, your online reputation is your reputation, professional and personal.

Why do we even need to manage our online reputations?
Online reputation mismatches are not technology problems, they’re human problems.
Online reputation management counteracts that human bias for gossip, ensuring that the materials that actually matter aren’t overwhelmed by the rumors.
This need will always exist. In fact, it’s probably going to get more and more important to manage our online reputations as search engines and other online algorithms become a bigger part of everything we do. Online reputation management is about controlling the collection of websites that appear in your search results. That means the tactics and measures of success are different.
In ORM, it’s not as important if Site X is in the first or the fifth position, but it is important to control what gets onto the first page. Therefore, ORM techniques are designed to create an ecosystem of materials, each telling related stories in different and complementary ways.
The goal of ORM is usually to move a specific site or sites down—displacing misleading information or gossip with higher quality materials. It’s less important whether someone clicks on your business website or your LinkedIn profile as long as they don’t click on the rant posted by a disgruntled former employee.
In ORM, on the other hand, virality is not always beneficial. Even if good sites go viral, they will add to the competitiveness of the search results. More people will be digging around in the search results, changing the balance of which sites rank where. At the same time, any problems that arise will be much harder to deal with, because the search volumes will be higher.
In an ORM campaign on the other hand, we target very specific search terms that have a reputation impact.

Reputation plays a very important role in the growth of a company or an individual. Online reputation Management is that the practice of giving businesses full management over their online search results. As the internet and technology are progressing, the need to protect your company’s name becomes a task for you.
The moment we take control, we target the negative search results about your business and push it down by promoting your business. This way you will see a positive transformation of your reputation on the Internet. Search engine optimization (SEO) observe in using keywords so online reputation management services will apply to extend online reputation.
To fight the social media attacks, consumer reviews, forum posts, blogs, press release and completely different negative search results regarding your business, you want a manager in online reputation management with reliable results to manage it. An Online Reputation Manager duty is to examine carefully the name of the company to have a good and positive hold on what the exact stories people discuss about it on the Internet. An online reputation manager uses variety of techniques and tracking strategies to look the internet world associated with the corporate.

ORM Process: Five Stages
The online reputation management process consists of five stages including:
• Research
• Development
• Content
• Publishing
• Promotion
The last three stages are repeated at regular intervals as search results improve. Each step in the process is explained below.

01.Reputation Research:
Every internet reputation management campaign begins with a thorough research phase. First, we identify the subject’s (that’s you or your company) top search phrases. These might include variations on names, key titles or services, and other phrases that searchers readily associate with you.

Web Property Development
As part of the reputation management process we often identify and build websites, business listings, social media profiles, existing blogs, and other owned properties that you control and influence. We build those you need, but don’t have in place yet. These may include:
• Charity website
• Blogs
• Social media profiles
• Image sharing profiles
• Video profiles
With these in place, we set up a network of owned domains to enable us to distribute content that will later be developed to each of your web properties.

Content creation is one of the most time-consuming pieces of the online reputation management services process. But you can’t neglect it, as it’s the foundation of every successful campaign. Content can be on web properties you control, or that other people control. Your content campaign includes these steps:

Once we understand the challenges and opportunities associated with your online brand we brainstorm content ideas designed to appeal to the kinds of people who may consume your content. At this point we’ve reduced these people to a representation called a “persona” that enables us to visualize and empathize with that archetypical person.

Development and Presentation
We lay out basic content outlines and subjects for your approval and feedback. Often we’ll request new ideas and feedback on the ones we’ve already come up with.
We match each piece of approved content with an appropriate publishing target, set up a content calendar, and revisit existing positive results to determine how and if they can be improved (retargeting). We also outline a coherent social posting and linking plan to build upon the content campaign. Content types that may include:
• Blog posts
• Social posts
• Outreach to bloggers and journalists capable of deploying well-produced content on high-authority, third-
party sites
• External articles, including scholarly articles and long-form reports
• Slideshows
• Press releases

Review Management
Not all content is created by Reputation X. When relevant, online review management techniques are used to drive real customers to the review sites most likely to positively affect online sentiment through star-ratings and reviews. You can learn more about review management here.

Based on the amount and frequency of content we create,we devise a publishing plan that keeps your reputation management trains running on time. This schedules content publication across many of your content channels, from posts on owned websites and blogs to articles on third-party sites and deployment to authoritative sites. We often use a combination of manual and automatic publishing systems. That way timed content can be deployed according to a schedule, but trending timely content can be created and published on short notice. Types of content published include blog posts, guest posts, press releases, tweets, Facebook posts, Google plus posts, industry articles, video, slideshows, images and other special content designed and developed according to the projects needs.

What’s the use of a comprehensive content and publishing plan if no one sees its fruits? Along with great content, promotion is key to the internet reputation management process. To streamline promotion, we separate your content.