A website is a virtual showcase or an online representation of an Organization’s products or services. Each and every website is live online to fulfill a unique objective. Some are there to generate business for their respective owners; some are there to share information about a topic, product or a service while some of them are non-profit and are there for a novel cause or social welfare. So, irrespective of their individual objectives, their primary need of being online is to reach out to a larger audience.

The objective of SEO services is to promote a business on digital platforms like Google and Facebook and other Social Media. Seolisys is a well reputed Digital Marketing and SEO Agency USA. We believe in a combined effort as to maximize the outreach of the website and can ensure that we are reaching out to your prospective online visitors to the maximum extent.

We have a strategic process to accomplish this task. The science of SEO works as follow:


Initial Analysis and Road Map Preparation.

Once you join us, a certified Project Manager would be assigned to your campaign. He will discuss with you, your marketing requirements in terms of your intended as well as current targeted market as well as audience, etc. and then will prepare a road map for your campaign. He will be conducting different analyses like keyword analysis, website analysis, visitor behavior analysis, Google webmaster analysis, competitor analysis and position monitoring and would be briefing you accordingly.

Technical error fixation – To make your website Google friendly.

A technical error analysis will be conducted and the existing errors will be fixed to make your website Google friendly. Fixing the technical errors can ensure that Google can better index/read your web pages.

Keyword selection – To find out the best productive keywords.

Keyword selection is the next step and is one of the important things as the entire process of Digital Marketing is Keyword centric. The Project Manager would be doing a Competitor Analysis to find out the kind of keywords they are using and do a Current Search trend Analysis to find out what keywords the users are using to find your products or services. Based on these Analyses, he will be presenting a list of keywords or phrases for you to choose from. These keywords or phrases will be promoted on search engines.

On-page optimization – To make your website ready for promotion.

On page factors like your website’s Page titles, Meta description, Meta tags, Body tags, URL structure, Keyword density, Text to HTML Ratio, Alt tagging of images, Internal linking, etc. will be implemented in a right way to make your website SEO compatible. This will convey a message to Google about which pages should be indexed along with respective keyword, title and description. Google has set certain parameters for these and adhering to these helps your website rank better.

Off-page optimization –Back end activities for Google ranking and Link creation.

With the chosen keywords, my team will go ahead with off page optimization work like directory submissions, social bookmarking, classified ad posting, business listing, forum posting, and blog commenting to enhance your ranking on Google. This will create quality inbound links (Do Follow Links) back to your site and will increase your Google ranking.

Social Media Optimization– To enhance your online reputation and to get traffic.

Many social media activities like communities building, cross linking social profiles, business profile linking, periodical content scheduling, periodical post scheduling, offers through social media, discussions and open forums, article and community blogging, back linking etc. will be conducted on your social media business account. The whole idea behind it is to establish brand recognition on a global or demographic level, reaching out to the target audience, hence creating awareness and generating popularity and increasing the current business.

Bi-Weekly Reports – To keep you updated with the work.

Your project manager will always keep you updated with the work and progress as well. You will be getting reports in every 15 days. This way you can keep a track of the work done your website’s campaign as well as track the improvements in your Keyword Rankings.

Let’s give it a try !

Just one month and you will start seeing changes in your

website’s online presence. It’s Our Promise !!

Have a look at our plans !!!